5 min read

Why I'm Writing To You

Why I'm Writing To You
Photo by Solen Feyissa / Unsplash

Hi Friends πŸ‘‹,

As we've waved goodbye to the first quarter of 2024, I've found myself trapped in a vortex of self-reflection. A sort of quarter-life crisis, but for a newsletter, not a human. Suddenly, a lightbulb moment! Why not spill the tea on why I decided to jump headfirst into the wild world of newsletter creation last year? So, here I am, your humble narrator, ready to guide you through the wacky backstory of this newsletter's birth.

Here's a little story that some of you might not know. I once ventured into the world of Instagram content creation. Yes, that's correct! Over time, my content fostered a community of over 500 followers. But soon, reality hit me. Competing with the flashy shorts and posts in today's world of goldfish-like attention spans (and my questionable graphic design skills) felt like running a marathon in flip-flops.

Now, I'm hoping that if you're reading this on your laptop or perhaps on your snazzy smartphone, it'll be a wee bit more challenging for you to just swipe away to the next post with a tl;dr. So, why not stick around, eh? And now, let's dive a tad deeper into why I've embarked on this newsletter adventure.

Nurturing My Personal Learning Journey

This newsletter was born out of my desire to not just consume knowledge, but to revisit and remix it. Inspired by Tiago Forte's concept in his book "Build Your Second Brain," I've embarked on a continuous intellectual adventure, delving deeper into various subjects and structuring my personal perspectives. 🧠🌟

Each week, creating content for this newsletter propels me to explore new territories, infusing my weekly digest with fresh insights and discoveries. This continuous learning journey serves as a staircase, enabling me to ascend the learning curve.

Here's the exciting part – my travels have also become a fertile ground for these insights! Every journey I undertake supercharges my brain, compelling me to delve deeper into every experience. Be it my recent 5-part travel series on Egypt or my introspections from my trip to Chongqing, every adventure is a chance to learn and share! So join me, as we navigate this world of knowledge and discovery together. πŸŒπŸ”

Evolving from a Consumer to a Creator 🎨

Unlike the fleeting satisfaction gained from passively consuming bite-sized content on social media few hours non-stop, writing is an active and creative endeavor. It affords me a deep sense of fulfillment. Seeing my thoughts and reflections materialize into concrete content, then all those 40 published articles fills me with immense pride. πŸ™Œ

In the whirlwind of the modern workforce, where time often seems to evaporate as I tackle similar tasks from 9 to 9 in consulting, five days a week, writing on diverse topics acts as an anchor. It forges a unique identity for me that extends beyond my professional roles. The content I create not only stands as a testament to my distinct persona but also serves as a tangible chronicle of my varied experiences over time. ⏳

It's a constant reminder that I am more than my job, and my time is far from being squandered. It's an affirmation that I am a creator, shaping my narrative, one word at a time. πŸ“

Fostering Amazing Connections and Conversations

πŸ‘‹ A big shout-out to my dedicated subscribers, many of whom I'm fortunate to know personally - your unwavering support makes this journey genuinely thrilling! πŸŽ‰ The diversity and enthusiasm in this community are simply outstanding. 🌈 A fascinating surprise has been the number of old friends, long out of touch, who have reconnected with me after being moved by my words. πŸ’Œ Suddenly, they've dropped me messages on WhatsApp or Instagram, sharing how one of my ideas sparked inspiration in them. πŸ’‘ These moments fill me with a surge of exhilaration and motivation that is truly indescribable! πŸš€

But the magic doesn't stop there. 🎩 This newsletter has also become an amazing conversation starter when I meet new people in social gatherings. 🎈 When someone asks me about my leisure activities, my newsletter is an instant highlight. 🌟 It's not just about me sharing my thoughts; it's an open window into meaningful conversations and shared interests. πŸ—£οΈ This wonderful initiative has allowed me to pull out a relevant article during a chat, deepening the connection and leaving a thought-provoking follow-up message. πŸ’¬ It's an unexpectedly delightful way to add depth to conversations and build new relationships! πŸ’ž

Building My Own Brand and Portfolio πŸ—πŸ“‡

In this cut-throat professional landscape we're all navigating, crafting and nurturing a personal brand is super crucial. My newsletter is a core piece of my brand and portfolio. As someone who leans towards introversion, it's not always easy for me to verbally flaunt my achievements to strangers. But sharing a link to my newsletterβ€”a tangible manifestation of my thoughts, learnings, and experiencesβ€”feels so much more natural and genuine. It's a shining testament to how I've grown and evolved on my professional journey. πŸŒ±πŸš€

Sharpening My Communication and Writing Skills πŸ“πŸ’¬

Effective communication, especially in English, is an absolute must-have in today's global business world. As I navigate my career in an international consulting firm, I've come to understand how vital it is to master the art of delivering messages effectively in English. This is where writing comes into the picture. This newsletter gives me a platform to consistently hone and improve my writing skills. A perfect example of the power of effective communication? Vitalik Buterin, the founder of Ethereum. He has educated and influenced his followers through well-crafted pieces on his blog, showing the vast potential of written communication. πŸŒπŸ’Ό

Chasing Scalability and Long-term Growth πŸ“ˆπŸš€

I absolutely love the idea of working on something that can scale and snowball over time. The 'snowball effect', as famously quoted by Warren Buffett, underscores the power of compound growth over time. Just as a small snowball grows exponentially as it rolls down a hill, I see this newsletter as an endeavor that gradually builds momentum and grows over time. The scalability of this project signals its potential to evolve into something substantial and impactful in the long run. β„οΈπŸ”

πŸš€ Harnessing AI and Curating Perspectives for You 🌐

Sure, I've been chatting about my writing journey. But let's shift gears - it's really about you, the reader. 🌏 Wondering why you should spare your valuable time to read my articles, especially in the AI era where answers are just a click away? πŸ€”

In the world of consulting, we often talk about positioning, and my take here is: imagine this newsletter as a friendly catch-up session with me, your pal, who's always eager to share some new insights every week. Just like friends do, I'll be bringing you snippets from my latest readings, tales from my travels to intriguing places like Egypt, Bolivia, and Peru, or interesting bits from my most recent consulting projects - just the way friends share their experiences!

At the same time, our chats are meant to add a bit of fun to your quest for knowledge. It may not about give you an immediate answer to what you need like Google or ChatGPT, but I sincerely hope that might provide you with some additional inspiration when you are writing your prompt, nudging you to ask deeper questions, and offering fresh perspectives. It's a little like adding a surprise ingredient to your favorite dish, enhancing its flavor.

Your Thoughts and Support Matter! πŸ™Œ

Before I wrap up, I have a couple of favors to ask of you, my awesome readers! πŸ™πŸ˜Š

First off, I'd absolutely love to hear your thoughts on the newsletter. Any topics you're dying to know more about? Any feedback on the style, content, or focus? Your input is vital to keep this newsletter growing and glowing! 🌱✨

Secondly, if you've found any value in my newsletters over the past year, would you be so kind as to share the website link with your friends who might also find it useful? πŸŒπŸ’‘ Your support means the world to me! Thank you and catch you in the next edition! πŸŽ‰πŸ’–