The New B2B Model - Brain to Brain

Hey Friends, 👋
Let me introduce you to B2B - but not the boring old "Business to Business" you're used to hearing about. We're talking about Brain to Brain, baby! 🧠💻 In this article, we're going to explore the idea of building a second brain - a digital memory bank - to help you keep all that valuable information you come across organized and at your fingertips. Think of it as a way to offload some of the burden from your biological brain, and give it a helping hand (or should we say, a helping Silicon-based twin?). But that's not all - we'll also dive into the amazing possibilities that open up when you connect your second brain to others' brains. Join me for an exciting journey through the world of Brain to Brain, a new B2B model that you won't want to miss! Oh, and if you're wondering how to build your very own second brain, be sure to check out my previous article from March 12th.

Your Biological Brain to Your Second Brain 🧠💻
Are you tired of feeling like your brain is about to explode from information overload? Well, fear not! The solution to your problem is a "second brain" - a personalized digital memory library that reflects your thinking process and helps you retrieve and organize your thoughts. It's like having a digital assistant that knows you better than you know yourself! 👩💻📚(It’s usually in the form of a digital note-taking app, like Obsidian or Evernote, while I am currently using Notion.)
Think of it as an extension of your biological brain, but with a much larger storage capacity that can relieve the burden on your first brain and protect its health. The brain is a wild and wacky place, and sometimes our best ideas come in the most unexpected moments - like when we're in the shower or out for a walk. That's where the second brain comes in. It's like having a digital memory bank where you can capture all the crazy ideas🤯💡 and information that come your way.
You know, our biological brain is perfect at processing new information and thinking💭, but it's not so great at storing it. That's why it's important to have a second brain to capture those great ideas and information that come our way. If we don't capture them, we might easily lose them. With a second brain, we can store and organize all of our thoughts and ideas🗂️, making them easily accessible whenever we need them. (This is also how I use Notion to capture the thoughts I came up with while wandering around the city.)
But the second brain is more than just a place to store our random musings. It's also a place where we can make connections between seemingly unrelated pieces of information. These unexpected connections can often prompt interesting new ideas and insights. As Steve Jobs once said, "Creativity is just connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn't really do it, they just saw something. It seemed obvious to them after a while." So, by using our second brain to connect the dots between different ideas, we can tap into our own creativity and come up with new and innovative solutions. 🌟🌈
And the best part? The second brain allows us to have a higher granularity of life. By using our notes and reflections as anchors to climb up the steep learning curve, we can maximize our mediocre intelligence and build consistency. We can clarify our goals, track our progress, and focus on what really matters. With a second brain, we can achieve more than we ever thought possible. It's like having a secret weapon in our back pocket - one that helps us harness the power of our own brain to its fullest potential. 💪🧠
From Your Second Brain to Others’ Brain 🤝🧠
The second 🧠 brain is not only a personal tool for storing and retrieving information, but it also has the potential for creating a collective intelligence. By digitizing and structuring the information left, like their speeches, books📚, key decisions💡 in life by great minds of the past, we can use algorithms to generate virtual persons and extract their wisdom. For example, we can ask Stephen Hawking or Steve Jobs what would they suggest to college graduates in order to thrive in the AI era, and the algorithm can provide inferential answers based on existing structured data. 🤖📝👨💼👩💼
The previous paragraph got me thinking, what's the point of leaving behind a bunch of money or material possessions when we can leave behind something much more valuable - our knowledge and spirit! 💰💡 This isn't just for the big shots and superstars, ordinary folks like us can do it too! Our second brain, or external digital memory, can be our very own legacy that we can pass down to future generations. It's like a never-ending inheritance that can be inherited and passed down from generation to generation, just like human genes! Even bits and pieces of our knowledge and spirit can be passed down and cherished by our loved ones. 💻📚🧬
So let's start investing in our second brain and create a legacy that extends beyond our physical existence. You never know, your great-great-grandchildren might just stumble upon your second brain and be amazed by the incredible knowledge and spirit you've left behind! Who knows, they might even find a way to bring you back to life virtually! 👀
So go ahead and start building your second brain today. Your future generations will thank you for it! 💪🏼
Things that I found interesting this week:
📚 Book — 《第二大腦》(“The Second Brain”), written by Tu Zipe
Tu is a renowned expert in the AI and Data field, and was previously VP at Alibaba. The book outlines a system for organizing and storing information that allows individuals to access and use their knowledge more effectively. I obtained most of the ideas for this article from the book, and I found The Second Brain as legacy particularly interesting for me!! If you wish to dig in deeper to unlock the full potential of Second Brain, definitely check this out!
🎬 Video — 15 UNCONVENTIONAL Notion tips for Productivity (in 2023)! - YouTube by Jeff Su
I recently came across this amazing video by Jeff Su, where he shared 15 truly unconventional Notion tips for productivity. One of the tips that I found particularly useful was the Customized AI Block, which I am already using it to write this piece of introduction. The video is not only informative but also entertaining, thanks to Jeff's energy and humor.
🎬 Video — 9-Year Hustle to Achieve a Single GoalㅣNotion's Cofounders by the Entrepreneurs' Organization
This is a great video on Notion's co-founders, Ivan and Simon, and their journey from a website builder to a productivity monster. As a Notion user myself, it's fascinating to see how the app evolved over time. The video highlights the four key cultures that helped the company grow: 1) Building for themselves, 2) Transparency, 3) Iteration, and 4) Community.
What I like about the Entrepreneurs' Organization is that they interview experienced and polished entrepreneurs who are willing to share their learnings sincerely. The videos are also bite-sized, usually ranging from 8-20 minutes, making them perfect for a quick watch. Check it out and let me know what you think!
📱 App — Focus To-Do List
I have been using the Focus To-Do List app for more than 2 years, and I highly recommend it to my friends who want to increase their productivity. (I am currently using their premium version which cost me roughly 100 HKD for lifetime access to more advanced features like folders). We talked about in the newsletter how the second brain helped to provide greater clarity to our lives, while this app is perfect for tracking the amount of time you spend on different tasks throughout the day. It's super easy to use and intuitive. The app applies the Pomodoro technique, which means you focus for 25 minutes and then rest for 5 minutes. This has helped me to get much more productive at work.
I have attached a report of the time I spent on a typical Saturday morning for your reference. This app is a great tool for anyone who wants to get a greater granularity of their life.

Give it a try and let me know what you think!
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